Organic Farming Innovation in Serengeti Mara Ecosystem | Crop Management (Crop Varieties)

Organic farming is a low cost production system that relies onecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions,rather than the use of high cost inputs (synthetic fertilizers and syntheticpesticides) that have long term adverse effects. It combines tradition,innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fairrelationships and a good quality of life for all those involved by emphasizingthe producti Read more..

Description of the technology or innovation

Organic farming is a low cost production system that relies onecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions,rather than the use of high cost inputs (synthetic fertilizers and syntheticpesticides) that have long term adverse effects. It combines tradition,innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fairrelationships and a good quality of life for all those involved by emphasizingthe production of environmentally-friendly goods (organic products). Thisinnovation aims at utilizing the rich supply of locally available manure,macro- and micro-biofertilizers like earthworms, rhizobia, mycorhiza fungi andtrichorderma fungi among others in SME. This will promote an environmentallysound, socially acceptable and economically rewarding food production method,thus ensuring conservation of agricultural biodiversity, which is essential forfood security, and sustainable agricultural development in the area.

Assessment/reflection on utilization, dissemination & scaling out or up approaches used

The validation process used participatory tools and techniquesdeveloped through stakeholder consultations. The local communities living inthe wet region, farmers, agricultural officers, the hotel industry and cropproducts traders are the expected beneficiaries of this innovation.

Current situation and future scaling up

The introduction of soil and water management practice is aworthwhile livelihood diversification strategy. It is highly adoptable byfarmers because it does not involve use of expensive agricultural inputs. Thepractice can be used by all gender categories, but particularly addresses thecontext of women farmers, who are responsible for most household farmproduction activities. Innovation enhances agricultural production directlybolstering food security in households. 

Economic Considerations

The innovation creates jobsand is an opportunity for additional income to communities in SME, especiallywhere they can tap into organic products market. Its strength lies in theability to utilize locally available resources to boost environmentally andeconomically rewarding agriculture, introducing an additional source of incomefor communities in the SME, which by extension can safeguard them from foodinsecurity.

Gender considerations

The technology is gender sensitive sinceorganic farming is practiced and managed by both male and female famers.

Additional information

Manure for organic farming.Availability of dung wouldensure constant supply of manure for farming.An economically rewardingfood production system would be put in place.


El-Hage Scialabba, N. and C. Hattam (eds.) Organic agriculture,environment and food security. Environment and Natural Resource Series No. 4.FAO. Rome.


Evaluating the potential contribution of organicagriculture to sustainability goals. FAO’s technical contribution to IFOAM’sScientific Conference Mar del Plata, Argentina, 16-19 Nov. 1998. FAO, Rome.
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