Farmer preferred striga weed resistant Sorghum varieties | Crop Management (Crop Varieties)

Strigahas been known as a major biotic constraint of economic importance for cereal-based cropping systems. It normally results in low yields, hence affecting the incomes of farmers. The development and utilization of Striga-resistant sorghum varieties holds the best promise of combating and reducing the effect of Striga weed on sorghum in the Eastern and central African region. In this technology/innovation, sorghum breeders utilized m o Read more..

Description of the technology or innovation

Strigahas been known as a major biotic constraint of economic importance for cereal-based cropping systems. It normally results in low yields, hence affecting the incomes of farmers. The development and utilization of Striga-resistant sorghum varieties holds the best promise of combating and reducing the effect of Striga weed on sorghum in the Eastern and central African region.

In  this  technology/innovation,  sorghum  breeders  utilized  m olecular  markers  to  select  for  the quantitative trait loci (QTL) of the striga resistance.Strigaresistance genes were then introgressed into three  (3)  sorghum  backgrounds,  Tabat,  Wad  Ahmed  and  AG8,  using  Marker  Assisted  Selection (MAS)  targeting  arid  and  semi-arid  zones  agro-ecological  zones.  The  lines  were  tested  for strigaresistance and agronomic performance  for three (3) seasons  in different agro-climatic zones  of
Sudan and other ECA participating countries and validated to be striga tolerant.

The utilization of the  improved striga resistant varieties  is expected to boost sorghum production  in striga  infested  semi-arid  areas  in  the  ECA  by  at least  20%.  This  will  ultimately  enhance  household food  security  and  contribute  to  poverty  reduction  in  the  region.  Widespread  cultivation  of  striga resistant varieties expected to reduce labour demand, since weeding to control striga seeds will not be necessary. In addition, control of striga by the application of herbicides will become unnecessary, thus
saving the environment. 

Development and evaluation of the striga resistant lines was done in Sudan and tested under the as arid and semi-arid zones agro-ecological zones at Gezira, Damazine, Sinnar, and Gedaref in Sudan. This area has ideal temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and soil type for the new sorghum varieties

All the ten (10) lines evaluated for striga resistance attained the required state of agronomic eliteness combined  with  high  and  stable  levels  of  striga  resistance  under  the  Sudan  environment.  Standard variety  trials  were  then  carried  out  in  six  (6)  striga  infested  plots  over  three  (3)  seasons.  Results revealed that backcross-derived lines, T1BC3S4, AG6BC3S4, AG2BC3S4 and W2BC3S4 were Striga resistant  and  agronomically  superior,  giving  up  to  180-298%  increases  in  grain  yield  over  their
recurrent  parents.  Subsequently,  the  lines  were  renamed  ASARECAT1,  ASARECAW2, ASARECAAG3  and  ASARECA  AG4;  and  released  in  an  official  function  by  the  national  variety release committee for commercial planting in Sudan.

Assessment/reflection on utilization, dissemination & scaling out or up approaches used

The beneficiaries of the striga resistant sorghum are farmers, researchers, seed companies, processors and traders. The Sudan national sorghum programme is currently bulking up the seed materials in the research stations for scaling up with the strong participat ion of the private sector.

Scaling up approaches using the private sector as the pathway of choice is seen as the most effective  

  • Publication of research findings in journals  
  • Creating awareness of the striga resistant varieties and benefits of using them to farmers in the countryside.
  • Making the striga resistant seed available to framers during the planting season.
  • Demonstrating  that  the  adoption  of  striga  resistant  seed  can  bring  about  abundant  food
    resources and profits to farmers.

Key partners needed in the scaling up process Include:

  • National Sorghum Program
  • Farmers
  • Seed companies
  • Processors and  
  • Traders

Current situation and future scaling up

The National Sorghum Program is now bulking up seed materials for scaling up. The seed has also reached  the  private  sector  actors  and  is  being  multiplied  for  other  intended  users  particularly farmers.

Challenges encountered in respect to further dissemination of the seed, adoption and scaling up/out

  • Limited awareness by policy makers of the availability of striga resistant sorghum variety
  • Poor  maintenance  of  the  released  varieties-  Limited  storage  facilities  at  the  National Sorghum Programme
  • Limited sorghum market information  
  • Infestation by storage pests and diseases
  • Fluctuating and low sorghum market prices

Recommendation for addressing challenges

  • Create awareness among policy makers and end users on the new striga resistant sorghum varieties
  • Improve extension services
  • Create market incentives for increased production and productivity of sorghum products
  • Improve links with sorghum agro industries

Lessons learnt  

  • Need  for  early  awareness  by  policy  makers  of  in  the  development  process  of  the  new striga resistant sorghum variety seed.
  • There is need for adequate storage capacity of new variety seed storage facilities at the National Sorghum Programme
  • The  private  sector  must  be  engaged  early  enough  in  the  process  of  the  variety development  
  • Social,  environmental,  policy  and  market  conditions  necessary  to  catalyse  cross-border scaling up of Striga resistant sorghum varieties
  • Conducive national institutional mechanisms for new variety seed release.
  • Conducive seed harmonization laws among ECA countries
  • Programmes that increase farmers awareness
  • Presence of similar agro-ecological zones
  • Land availability
  • Availability of marketsSeed harmonization laws and policies
  • Presence of a vibrant agro-processing industry

Economic Considerations

Basic  costs  (local  currency  and  equivalent  US  $)  associated  with  utilization  of  the  fine  mapping innovation  
Not done
Estimated  returns  (local  currency  and  equivalent  US$)  such  as  cost  benefit  or  gross  margin  figures where applicable
Not done

Gender considerations

Gender issues /concerns (if any) were considered in the fine mapping exercise
Was not part of the study.
Gender issues/concerns (if any) in the fine mapping exercise
Was not part of the study.
Gender-related opportunities (if any), which enhanced or can enhance the genetic linkage mapping  
Was not part of the study.

Case study or profiles of success stories

Success stories from beneficiaries attesting to the use of the genetic linkage mapping
None as yet

Contact details

Mohamed H Abdalla
Associate Professor, Agricultural Research Cooperation (ARC)
P.O Box 126
Khartoum, Sudan
Mob: +249-921934900

 Dr. Rasha Ali
Associate, Agricultural Research Co-operation (ARC)
P.O Box126
Khartoum, Sudan

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