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Cover crops as a compliment to crop residues in Natural Resource Management: Dolichos lablab intercrop with maize (Vumilia K-1) residues with DAP and urea top dressing

Two (2) farmer participatory studies on maize legume croppingsystem were conducted in Northern Tanzania in the districts of Babati, K... Read more.

Crop residue utilization for soil productivity improvement

Crop residues in the Mt.Elgon region are traditionally regarded as waste or “Kamandu” and disposed oflargely through burning. In doing so, low resource farmers forfeit theopportunity to use this cost-effective resource for soil fertility impr... Read more.

Decapitation technique for clean banana planting material

Use of clean seed is important for increasing crop production as well as a key strategy for controlling pests and diseases in vegetatively propagated crops such banana. The decapitation technique is a locally available technology that can enha... Read more.

Development of Molecular Markers Associated with Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) in Cassava

CBSD is a major threat to food security in the ASARECA region and the development of resistant cultivars is therefore of primary importance to farmers Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and cassa... Read more.

Development and promotion of cashew through improved germplasm, agronomic practices and value addition

Cashew(Anacadium occidentale) is a large tree crop that belongs in the same family asmangoes. It grows best in sandy soils, in areas of as low as 500 mm ofrainfall. It has significant potential for... Read more.

Development of Appropriate Protocols for Making Ready to Drink Passion Fruit Juice

Description of the protocols The innovation is the development of appropriate protocols for making ready-to-drink juice. Passion fruit is a high value crop and farmers normally sell the fruit, but adoption of value-a... Read more.