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Weather-Based Agro-advisory

Weather influences agriculture in a profound way. Despite technologicaladvances, ECA farmers are still dependent on seasonal rains which are highlyvariable in time and space. Certain extreme weather events such as droughts,storms, floods and frosts have severe effects on a... Read more.

Yarwasha: An early-maturing, drought tolerant sorghum variety for low-rainfall areas of western Sudan

In North Kordofan, sorghum occupies anarea of 336,000 ha with 122 kg/ha average productivity annually. Due tofrequent pearl millet crop failures during the last two decades, sorghumcultivation in Nor... Read more.

Zai/tassa/planting pit technology

Most crop agriculture in ECA depends onrainfall. In many parts of the region, crop productivity is undermined byinadequate moisture in the soil. Climate change and variability have resultedin reduced rainfall and its reliability, and increased evaporation due toincre... Read more.