Clitoria and lablab seed production under irrigation system | Livestock and Fisheries Management (Livestock Feeds)

Available agro-meteorological information indicates that there arefrequent and erratic rainy seasons in Sudan. This makes local forage farmersdependent on rain fed agriculture, which is highly vulnerable to adverseeffects of drought. As a mitigation measure, it’s important that farmingcommunities are equipped with adequate skills to operate sustainable irrigationsystems. This management practice provides guidance and the technical know Read more..

Description of the technology or innovation

Available agro-meteorological information indicates that there arefrequent and erratic rainy seasons in Sudan. This makes local forage farmersdependent on rain fed agriculture, which is highly vulnerable to adverseeffects of drought. As a mitigation measure, it’s important that farmingcommunities are equipped with adequate skills to operate sustainable irrigationsystems. This management practice provides guidance and the technical know-how onwhat is required by the farmers for production of Clitoria ternatea seed under an irrigated system.

Assessment/reflection on utilization, dissemination & scaling out or up approaches used

The management practice has reached formal and informal seedproducers in five states of Sudan (River Nile, Khartoum, Gezira, Blue Nile andWhite Nile). The practice is at the up-take pathway stage and has beenvalidated in various irrigation schemes in Sudan through farmer training anddistribution of Clitoria ternatea seed. Twenty five (25) male farmers weretrained in Clitoria ternatea seed production. A total of 500 kg of seed has alreadybeen distributed to farmers (20 kg for each farmer) and commercial productionhas started at farm level. Communication materials especially leaflets onClitoria ternatea seed production (in Arabic) were also distributed to farmers.

Figure 1 Seeddistributed to farmers

Figure 2:Stakeholders involved in the project activities

Current situation and future scaling up

This technology involves developing capacity for production of Clitoria ternatea seed for fodderproduction, which can increase profitability of livestock farming. It addressesa key challenge of inadequate seed for fodder. In addition, the technology hasan irrigation component that enables seed production during off season, therebyaddressing a pertinent problem of erratic rains. The technology is therefore recommendedfor scaling out to boost livestock productivity and increase smallholderhousehold incomes. 

Economic Considerations

This enables additional off season seed production which, if addedto on-seasonal production, adds up to increased total annual seed productionand income. Commercial seed production can be a reliable and low-cost source ofincome. This technology thus enables off season fodder seed production, whichultimately will facilitate the steady supply of milk proteins to households.

Gender considerations

The management practice was designed totarget both male and female farmers involved in lablab seed production.Currently, there are more men than women involved in the project activities.It’s expected that as commercial production is popularized among the targetfarmers, there will be more engagement of women farmers who see seed productionas an alternative source of household income.

Contact details

Sara, Abd Elraheem;

Scientist, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC);

P. O. Box 126;

Wad Medani, Sudan.

Tel: +249-511-842226/+249-511-843890 (C/o)

Mob: +249-918-315708


Additional information

The cultivated area of Clitoriaternatea was 4.2 ha which yielded a total seed yield of 1016 kg, while thecultivated area of Lablab purpureuswas 2.1 ha and gave a total seed yield of 771 kg.

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